As a reputable organisation, we are accustomed to getting new inquiries daily.
We want our clients to feel confident about integrating our platform into their systems.
To save time and provide them peace of mind, we have compiled a list of the most frequent questions we get and their answers.

What Is Your Experience?

SEPA Cyber Group is proud to have several years of relevant industry experience. We have been developing financial technology for a long time, and we use our know-how to offer clients innovative, turnkey solutions designed to improve their operations and business relations.

Do You Offer Support?

Our platform is user-friendly and easy to deploy. However, clients can always contact us via our form or email if there are any complications or technical glitches. We will respond as soon as physically possible.

Why Should I Get FinHub?

There is a myriad of reasons to invest in our platform. Here are some of the most important:

• It requires a single API to be deployed;
• It’s an all-in-one solution designed for different industries;
• It’s developed following all data security, compliance, and legal requirements;
• It’s scalable;
• It can be thoroughly tested prior to purchase; 

Can I Buy Two Modules or More From Different Categories?

Yes! Clients can bundle our modules to serve their needs best. You can pick the features you want and add them to your framework.

Can I Deploy Modules On My Own?

Absolutely! Clients can quickly and easily integrate our modules into their systems by following our well-written, detailed guidelines.

Can I Test It?

Yes, absolutely! Clients and developers can try our platform and features before purchasing it. They can conduct rigorous tests to analyse its compatibility with their existing systems. We are confident FinHub’s sandbox performance will impress you.

Can Modules Be Updated?

Yes! We offer clients the latest updates of the modules they use. Organisations must always be in tune with all compliance and legal regulations.

Can I Buy Only a Single Module?

Yes! FinHub is designed to cater to the individual needs of each client. Businesses can purchase the entire platform or customised packs containing only the needed features. They can also add and remove modules as their needs evolve.

How Can Purchase FinHub?

Companies can purchase our platform or any of its modules via bank transfer or card payment.

Is FinHub’s Coding Compatible With Other Programming Languages?

Developers can integrate FinHub’s API into existing systems written in different programming languages.

Will Integration Hamper My Ongoing Operations?

Deploying our platform or any of its modules will NOT interrupt the ongoing processes in existing systems. If any complications occur, clients should feel free to contact us.

What Functionalities Does FinHub Cover?

Our team has designed and developed FinHub to cover the entire gamut of financial needs. It features compliance, payment, exchange, acquiring, issuing, communication, eCommerce, and banking modules, all of which have their sub-functionalities and features.

Has FinHub Been Audited?

At SEPA Cyber Group, we prioritise developing reliable products that abide by industry protocols. All our solutions, including FinHub, have been subjected to a detailed audit by respectable entities.

Do I Need to Provide Personal Information to Test Your Platform?

No! You do NOT need to provide us with personal details to use our sandbox. You also do NOT have to pay to test our product.

What Is a Closed Marketplace?

We have developed FinHub as a closed marketplace. Meaning organisations need more-to-no communication with our teams and us. Their decision to trust our platform is solely based on our product’s development and performance. This allows them to purchase and integrate FinHub at any time of the day, regardless of their location.

*For other questions, please check our FinWiki section. It contains detailed articles about our modules and the processes they execute.